The phrase "You will know them by their fruits" in Matthew 7:16 is part of a teaching by Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus gives us this really powerful and personal metaphor of "fruit" and it refers to the outcomes or results of a person's actions, character, and behavior. He says, you are like a tree and a tree produces fruit. And that’s how a non-believing world will know that you belong to Jesus. They’ll see the spiritual fruit come out of your life, not just the words you say, but the way you live. He warned that false prophets would come in sheep's clothing but would have selfish motives. Here’s a deeper look at its meaning:
- Discernment of Character: The "fruits" represent the visible evidence of a person's true character. Just as a tree is known by the type of fruit it produces; a person's moral and spiritual condition can be assessed by their actions and the effects they have on others.
- False Prophets and Teachers: In the context of the verse, Jesus is warning against false prophets and teachers. He emphasizes that one should be cautious and discerning, as not everyone who appears righteous or speaks in the name of God is genuinely so. The true nature of a person can be revealed through their behavior and the impact they have on those around them.
- Ethical and Moral Living: The teaching encourages believers to evaluate their own lives and those of others by looking at the "fruits" of their actions—such as love, kindness, integrity, and joy—as indicators of a relationship with God.
- Community and Relationships: The verse implies the importance of community and accountability. Believers are encouraged to be vigilant and supportive of one another, fostering an environment where good "fruits" can flourish.
Jesus makes a chilling announcement to many who assumed they belonged to Him. He warned them that on judgement day, they will hear Him say, “Depart from me. I never knew you.” indicting those who pretended to follow Him, but whose lives indicated something else. He told His followers that the “fruit” of their lives proved what was inside their hearts.
(Matthew 7:21-23) Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
In our lives, every word and every action are fruit from our hearts. When we repent of our sin and receive Jesus as Lord of our lives (John 1:12; Acts 2:38), He changes our hearts (2 Corinthians 5:17). Our attitudes, actions, words, and perspectives change as we walk in fellowship with the Holy Spirit (1 John 1:6–7). When our hearts change, our fruit changes.
Godly teachers will display good “fruit” such as making disciples (Matthew 28:19), using their gifts to benefit others (Romans 12:4–8), leading lost people to Jesus (James 5:20), loving their fellow believers (1 John 3:14), and seeking humble ways to do good everywhere (Jeremiah 29:7). All of these things are indications of a good heart.
In summary, "You will know them by their fruits" is a call to discernment, urging individuals to look beyond appearances and evaluate the true nature of others through the outcome of their lives and actions. The Christian-ish are those who claim to love and follow Jesus, but don’t show any fruit of their claim. Being a Christian is a LIFESTYLE. The way you live demonstrates your commitment to Jesus.
Here's a question to ask yourself, do you find that there’s goodness in you that you show good fruits of the spirit? Or do you have a bad attitude, bad mouth, bad fruit? Do you find that you are more faithful with your friends, you stand by them, your word is good. Or are you occasionally disloyal? You might talk behind their backs or gossip and such. Are you more gentle with people or are you harsh? And then finally you can ask, do you self-control the fruit of the spirit? Or do you find yourself indulgent, giving in to the things that you want when you want them? What would you say, are you more characterized by the fruits of the spirit or by the fruits of the flesh? How pleased do you think God is with the quality and the quantity of your fruit?
Click the link for Bible verses about fruit: What Does the Bible Say About You Will Know Them By Their Fruits?